Plant your seeded name badge
This is no ordinary name badge - your name badge is made out of Chamomile seeds.
To plant your seeded name badge, follow these four easy steps:
1. Soak your name badge in water until soft
2. Place on soil and lightly cover with more soil
3. Water regularly until seeds sprout after 7 - 21 days
4. Small white and yellow daises will begin to blossom (especially in summer)
Three ways to use your Chamomile seeds
Do more with your name badge than simply wearing it!
Explore a method below to see what you can grow and create after attending the Climate Futures Summit.
Chamomile Tea

1 teaspoon of dried Chamomile flowers
1 cup of boiling water
1 spoonful of honey (optional)
1. Grow your Chamomile seeds and cut off the flower head when they finish flowering.
2. Dry the Chamomile flower heads in an airtight container.
3. Place 1 teaspoon of dried Chamomile flowers into your favourite mug and infuse with 1 cup of boiling water for up to five minutes.
4. If you prefer your tea sweet, add a spoonful of honey and enjoy a soothing cup of tea!
More information and recipe: https://www.abc.net.au/gardening/how-to/herbal-tea-plants/9429156
Potpourri Blend
1 teaspoon of dried Chamomile flowers
1 cup of boiling water
1 spoonful of honey (optional)
1. To speed up the process of drying chamomile flowers, place them in an oven at the lowest temperature (approx. 30 degrees). Use a wooden spoon to slightly open the oven to allow moisture to escape and remove when dry.
3. In a bowl, mix together the dried chamomile flowers and your preferred additional essential oils and scents (e.g. lavender or thyme for a relaxing blend).
4. Scoop the mixture into a small fabric bag and seal the bag with a secure knot.
5. Place in your linen cupboard, clothing drawers or bathrooms for a radiating, fragrant scent.
Chamomile Bath Salt
1/4 cup of fresh Chamomile flowers
1/2 cup of epsom salt
3-4 drops of your preferred essential oil
1. Pulse the epsom salt and chamomile flowers in a food processor approx. 10 times to blend the mixture.
3. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the mixture evenly across, allowing to dry for one day.
4. Add your favourite essential oil to the mixture.
5. Pour the salts in a warm bath and enjoy a relaxing evening.